Big Victories for Mexico’s Independent Unions

and The Role of Cross-Border Solidarity

Join Rep. Chuy García and labor leaders from both sides of the border to learn about three historic union victories and innovative trade rules that can be used to support their efforts.

Wednesday, May 18 8:00pm ET

The fight for independent labor unions in Mexico has been long, bitter, and often deadly.

But in recent months, workers have won three significant victories – with vast majorities voting in favor of joining independent unions at the Tridonex and Panasonic factories in Matamoros and the massive General Motors plant in Silao.

In all three of these cases, workers have utilized new labor protections under the U.S.-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA) to support their organizing efforts in conjunction with U.S. labor organizations, Congressional allies and legal experts.

Join us on Wednesday, May 18th at 8:00 PM ET to learn more about the USMCA’s labor rules, how they have played out so far on the ground, and how we as U.S. activists can support future struggles for labor rights, fair wages and dignified work in Mexico.