Thank you for standing with us.

Together, we have built a movement to make our progressive vision for trade policy a reality in the United States. But the fight is far from over.

Rethink Trade aims to continue building our coalition of activists who want GOOD trade policies and fight for trade that raises wages and lessens economic inequality, counters the climate crisis, and cripples corporate power in this era of globalization.

Our movement includes more than 100,000 activists like you who fight every day to address the climate crisis, labor rights violations, Big Tech attacks on your privacy, Big Pharma monopolies that keep medicine prices high, attacks on food safety, income inequality, and social and economic justice.

Trade is at the intersection of all our concerns. If we do not get this right, not only will our aspirations be squelched but decades of gains made by progressive social movements will be undermined.

That’s why we must continue the fight together – and show the real choice is not between the corporate-rigged, failed neoliberal status quo and Trump’s racist, corporatist nationalism.

Together we must Rethink Trade.

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